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- High-Density Ranger (12 Items)
- Standard Ranger (27 Items)
TAC Connectors
- Miniature M55116-Type Connectors (12 Items)
M55116 Mil-Spec and Mil-Spec-type Connectors
- Audio Plugs (MIL-C-55116) (18 Items)
- Audio Jacks (MIL-C-55116) (6 Items)
7- and 10-Pin Waterproof Breakaway Connectors
- Waterproof Plugs and Jacks (10 Items)
- Miniatures (16 Items)
Telephone Plugs and Jacks
- Telephone Plugs (9 Items)
- Telephone Jacks (22 Items)
Microphone Plugs and Jacks
- Microphone Plugs (2 Items)
- Microphone Jacks (9 Items)
Push-Button Switches
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 1 (22 Items)
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 2 (22 Items)
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 3 (22 Items)
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 4 (14 Items)
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 5 (14 Items)
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 6 (22 Items)
- Push-Button Switches with Contact 7 (22 Items)